Are feminists using Trump as payback?

Poor old Donald Trump. That’s all I can say. Well, I say, say. But I mean think. Because God forbid I ever said that out loud whilst working with women on a daily basis. The man has managed to cause protests globally in a country no less than an 8 hour plane journey away from. Seriously? I wish I had the time to protest against somebody who who AT THE MOMENT has no actual affect on our country and laws.

So, I saw a post from somebody whom I studied a nursing course with about how they marched and held posters claiming Trump needs to pay more respect to a woman’s vagina. I couldn’t help but laugh. Trump to me is the average man who doesn’t hide who he is. What does that really say? He was targeted for grabbing women and claiming he can’t help it “when i see something i want i just grab it”. SO?! So what if Trump pinches my bottom on the dance floor (or bingo floor in this case). Seriously?! It gets me so frustrated when some women are complaining of a man who maybe had one too many beers and does this, not because they are intending to assault the woman, but because they are being humans. We can’t say we all haven’t done it. I can’t count the number of times that I had grabbed a guys bottom and pretended it wasn’t me while snorting with laughter.

I feel for the women who are actually being victimized you know. Those poor women in eastern European countries who are tortured for adultery (being raped) when they are married. Stoned when they are seen looking at another male beside their husband. Beaten to death when they refuse to be raped for the fifteenth time. Yes, this happens still. In 2017 this still happens. Why don’t you know about it? Because our papers are full of Feminists holding banners protesting against their unequal balance in the workplace because they aren’t as many female MP’S as men. No offence gals, but i’m happy with what we got over here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that Feminists fought for us to vote, but does Trump really matter? Or does the fact millions of women are killed each year just because they are a woman? Use your energy and use it right. Because Trump is a lot of things, but he is not a payback for things that are ancient history.

Getting caught up in the commotion

Today I have watched tele… For about 4 hours altogether. Looked on my phone, 150 times perhaps? Spent 3 hours on my laptop? What a life eh. Not to mention radio stations, newspapers, etc. No wonder my eyes hurt. Life is so speedy I can barely keep up. I can barely get enough sleep to take in tomorrow’s whirlwinds of events. Life makes my head spin, makes my ears and eyes hurt. These gadgets are supposed to simplify our lives, yet when one breaks down on us we are lost. Lost because we haven’t got that iphone to remind us of upcoming meetings or to get our great emails that tell us we have won £100000 or are entitled to PPI. I mean, how did they ever do it without this technology?!

Dont get me wrong, before this stuff women had to spend 9 hours doing the washing by hand. Long lost relatives had no chance in tracking their ancestors. But was that such an issue? We, us humans, have the most expensive and smartest object a person can hold (sorry Facebook money penny) our brain. Yet we feel we need hand sized computers to help us with day to day lives. Ever heard of the phrase, don’t use it, loose it?! That’s what will happen. These things we are forced to endure like smartphones, laptops, teles, we do not need them. The world is a big incredible place yes, but we can manage without having everything thrown upon us. We can manage to live a happy life without having to see the news every minute of every day to see adverts of starving children in Africa, to hear that the government are cutting this that and other. We do not need this. No matter what we are programmed to think, we don’t need to know what we think is happening to live our lives. Our lives are our own and we have choice. We have free will and opportunities and we can go anywhere we want to. It is hard, believe me I sometimes I feel like a mouse trapped in a cage, but to understand that we are not simply robots told what to do and how to do it, is a peaceful realisation. To not get caught up in the commotion is the best way to live a life of freedom. And that everybody, is the success to be happy.

Your mind is your everything

So I  just completed the London Marathon yesterday. Pretty cool eh? Along side anther 36,000 people. Not bad going. Have I ever run 26.2 miles before? Nope. Have I ever run close to that? Not at all. Here is my secret. My mind. 

Like I just said, there was another 36,000 people doing the marathon too. So although it’s not the most rarest thing to do in your life, it certainly was the hardest. My training was pretty basic. I’m a bit lazy after my little boy goes to bed. I believe my work is done for the day and I deserve to sit down have some dinner and a glass of wine, and not move. So the thought of having to train for this marathon, was not one for me. Don’t get me wrong, I wentimage for a couple of little runs round the block, but yes, I gave up after about 5 times, thinking it will be okay. People asked ‘have you not trained?! You are going to injur yourself!’, friends laughed, called me crazy, I’ll never be able to do it etc. Not too long after having a baby, eating rubbish nearly everyday, I did have a few doubts in mind, but nothing to stop me from trying.

The day began with a rush to get my child up and ready to go to his Aunties for the day. 5am start(like most mornings for us mums), a rush of eating your breakfast on the go while doing a hundred other things, and nearly missing the train up there because you are silly and think the station is shut. Blame the tiredness. But we got there, and I got in line to start. I was pretty nervous, over hearing how most people had previously done 20mile training routes prior to the race, seeing athlete looking people while I’m in my odd matching frilly socks. But never mind, I thought, how hard can this possibly be it’s just a long run right?!

So the man gets us all in line, says a few things and before I knew it we were off! There was so many people beside me, if I had taken my phone the picture would have be incredible. Thousands of people cheering, smiling, singing, shouting, crying! It was amazing. 5 miles down, I’m beginning to get worn out. I’m looking around and everyone else seems fine. So I whack up my music and I carry on running, I forget to think about my stitch or my belly crying out with hunger. 7 miles down, and I’m pretty knackered already. But I just keep on smiling and waving at the children who are cheering us all on. 10 miles down, ah this isn’t too bad actually, nearly half way there and I’m alright, I can do this, this is fine my body is fine. Keep going. As it starts to get to 12 miles I feel something rubbing on my foot, it’s really painful, it feels like the shoelace so I stop at the side and have a look, I can’t see anything, but god it hurts. And now I’ve stopped my legs have gone all weak? They are all wobbly too and I can barely walk. My head is also throbbing probably through dehydration. I also need the toilet. This sucks. I try to run again but it’s really really hard. But I see a sign for toilets a couple of miles ahead so I try to run my best. It feels like forever but I reach the 14mile mark and I see the queue for the toilets. It’s ever so long. It will take at least half an hour, but I’m starting to get a belly ache so I have no choice, so I join the queue.

As my guess was correct, half an hour later I manage to use the toilet. As soon as I sit down my whole body feels like it’s shutting down, I really cannot do this. I want to cry. Everyone was right you cannot do this with no training. My body is just giving up and telling me it’s had enough. I’m so disappointed. I have to pull out and go home a quitter. What was I thinking I ask myself. I’m embarrassed, ashamed and so incredibly disappointed. I carry on walking the race as best as I can, until I see someone I can ask how to give up and pull out. It’s shameful walking like this. Everybody else is still going, but my feet are throbbing my blisters are killing me, my head is banging, I feel like faint, what do I do? I suppose I could try and ask God for his help. So I do. I ask him to help me find the strength I know I’ve still got to help me do this. I need Him, and I need some encouragement. I hope He is listening.

I carry on walking, and within a few minutes I feel my mind telling me that I can do this. Telling me to ignore my body, my body is just getting weak, but it can do it too. It’s telling me that I’m not a quitter, that I came here to finish this and I’m strong and I need to take this home. So I start to jog, I feel stronger and powerful. I jog a bit faster. Soon, my feet begin to feel less painful, my head stops throbbing and I’m smiling again. I’m running and I’m enjoying this again. I turn my music up even louder and I run as fast as I can. Soon, I see the 18 mile mark. I can’t believe it. I haven’t got far now, I can do this. I really can.

I soon see the 20 mile mark. 20miles?! Where did the time go! I cannot believe still that I’m getting there. 21..22..23..24. What?! 2 more miles?! I’m actually going to do this!

I hear crowds cheering and shouting ‘you’ve got this keep going!’. I actually have. I’ve actually got this. 25..

1 more mile! I’m running as fast as my tired legs can take me, and I can almost see the finish line.. 400metres to go the signs say. Everybody is going crazy! They are chanting and singing and I feel amazing! 200metres.. I can see the finish. Do not stop now, you have done this!!

And I have! I cross the finish line! I want to cry, I want to scream I want to cheer! I want to hug someone! I want to also collapse. But I’ve done it. I really have. This feels amazing. I cannot walk or talk but I feel amazing. I feel like a winner. My medal on, pictures getting taken. I feel incredible. 5 hours 20mins?! Wow!

So how on earth?! For someone who runs very very little. Okay, in fact never. Run that far?! It was my mind. My mind told me that you can achieve anything you ever want in life. You just have to believe. Never have doubts, you are a winner. And from this day forward, I’m going to achieve everything I desire.


Getting out of materialist ways

iPhones, iPads, iPods, laptops, sat navs, designer clothes, shoes, flat screen TVs.. The list will never end, but do we REALLY need all of this stuff? Is this all what life is about now, who drives the newest car, who owns the nicest gadgets? Happiness is underestimated, we now think what can make us happy is objects. Not people, not experiences, not scenery or amazing views, not our health, but oriented around money. The shallow life we live is forever taken for granted, and the most worrying thought is where will it end?

Hypocritically, I am now sitting here watching tele on my flat screen television, typing on my iPhone, with the heating on full blast laying on my large leather sofa. But am I really happy? Do I actually need these things? I know what makes me happy, what takes my breathe away and what makes me smile. It’s my son, my my family, my friends, my religion, my passion for helping people, for visiting and caring for the elderly who when they smile because you’ve done something so little but so big to them, and it makes your heart melt.

When my little boy laughs, when his eyes light up when I walk in the room, that makes me crumble, almost brings me to tears. Now I sit here and think, do I need these materialistic objects? I see people driving around in flash cars worth more than some people’s houses in different countries, or with brand new phones that could feed 60 children in Kenya for month. And it amazes me how we become this way. How almost everyone you speak to is fixated on keeping up with the latest thing. Worrying about how they look, checking reflections in car windows, how on earth have us human beings grown or in the case, shrunk into such a shallow level that family time involves a family all on their smart phones sitting around the sofa eating takeaways. Are we ever going to be able to revert back? Or is this the start of a horrible end of true happiness in life? Call me a hippy, but I know if I could travel back, I think I would choose the lifestyle where these things didn’t exist, you would walk along to the corner shop and buy a penny sweet for a treat. Games were curbsies, clothes were no more than made from material your mum found in her closet. Teles were no bigger than a box and pictures of black and white classic TV programmes. No skins, no hollyoaks, just pure family television you could watch over and over. I miss these days, I wasn’t even a part of any of that life but I know I miss that image that we will never be able to draw back to.

It’s hard to withdraw from the things that you rely on. It’s hard to put down the phone at dinner time, to turn the tele off now and again. To throw over a blanket rather than crank up the heating. To walk to the shop rather than drive and pollute the precious air we take for granted every single day. But if we don’t sooner or later; what will our children become? Soon there will be no real anybody. We will purely be isolated materialistic robots who communicate only by smart phones. Is this what really makes us happy?

Living for the moment


Have you ever thought, I wish I did that, I wish I saw them, I wish I went there, I wish I got that? The whole phrase life is too short is probably the most realistic quote a person has ever said. Life comes and goes within a flash, you could get hit by a bus, struck by lightening, develop cancer, or any other horrible measure that causes your life to end before you planned. The most common thought to those knowing they are going to die? Regrets of not doing things. Not saying things, anything with not in. Not seeing your children as much as you should, not taking your wife the holiday she dreamed of, not taking that job offer. There is so so many opportunities that pass is by, we could be living the life we dream of if we just take that risk, take that chance, you may not see a light at the end of the tunnel, but there is one. 

My mum used to tell me, you don’t get anywhere by sitting around. And my, was she right. I always knew I wanted to live the best life I could. I went to work my first proper job as soon as I turned 16, I walked there at 5am, it took me 2 hours up a jual carriageway, cars beeping at me left right and centre, but every weekend I went there, despite the horrid hangovers I still walked there. Just to get that £4.60 an hour. Because although money isn’t everything, it got me on my path. 

Those moments you will never forget, aren’t the ones that include planning and decision making. They are the ones that take your breath away. The ones you have no idea how you got there or why you did it, but you did, and the excitement of doing something completely unplanned and unorganised just beats everything else hands down. Living for the moment isn’t  just about having memories though. It makes you a completely new person. Someone who doesn’t worry, who doesn’t over think, who sees a positive in every situation, who sees the good in everyone, who has hopes and dreams and ambitions, who is exciting and fun and interesting. I’ve never been about designer clothes fancy cars expensive holidays, because where will that take you? If you are on your death bed, would you really be thinking about your expensive car outside? Or those things you did that made your heart beat fast and your head spin. So next time someone asks you to do something, don’t think about it, don’t take it all too seriously, enjoy the moment and enjoy the life you have been given, do not waste it away on something that doesn’t make you happy each morning, just grab it with both hands and enjoy the ride, because sooner or later you will have to get off this roller coaster of a life, and you don’t get to ride again. 


Justice system, schmustice system

No wonder we see so much crime on the television. The news presents us with daily criminals committing several offences over. Serial rapists and hit and runs, peodiphiles, all being given small prison sentences. Just look in your local paper and see the punishment these offenders have to endure. Okay some crimes are admittedly minute, but should this really matter? All in all, a crime is a crime, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time old saying? Well why does the justice system repetitively seem to disappoint those victims again and again then?

In Australia it is a criminal offence to hack somebody’s Facebook account. The criminal will be rewarded with a lovely hefty fine of up to 2000 Australian dollars. Now let’s look over at England. Hack somebody’s Facebook account? Well done mate, pat on the back. Nothing. Is this not a breach of privacy and invasion though? Just this simple act can cause serval harms intentionally or unintentionally. It is an act of harassment in several countries eyes. But over here you can quite happily do this again and again, CPS actually once stated that a man was allowed to harass his ex partner, telephone calls, threatening emails to her and her family, threats to friends, constantly for months, but this was accepted and no action taken because they have a child together. The man had been explained to by social services that court proceedings was the only was for contact, however he still continued to harass her, causing her to loose a job offer because of fear from his threats, anxiety problems and never ending jump when the door knocked. But yes, our weak and weedy justice system allowed him to walk away laughing that he could simply carry on.

It is about time people began taking into precaution that this lack of punishment leaves victims feeling stressed, disappointed, alone and even weaker. It doesn’t have to be a prison sentence, it doesn’t have to be a fine, just something to ensure these people do not get away for damaging poor victims lives so severely, so maybe they are not tempted to repeat to another.


my little saviour


When you hear it, see it, or say it. The words ‘children change your life’ seem so far away. The many of times people would approach me, do the old norm of having a good feel of your bloated belly,  and they would smile sweetly, tilt their heads and simply say “aaaah children really do change your life”. I never believed how much they honestly could. You plan your life as a teen, no marriage until 30, children after travelling the world, bought your own house, became manager of the company,  found Mister Right,  and THEN you will settle for the arguably a little boring but f

amily, happy life. Then you fall in love.

They say everything that happens, happens for a reason, mine was I believe, I needed saving, and my beautiful boy, certainly did so.

The personal and tactful skills you learn as a mother, beats any skill you could learn from a book, class or job. I am currently multi-tasking to maximum, holding my baby, singing a nursery rhyme, eating my breakfast and writing this. I have been up since 5am, before,  5am work starts consisted of several lucozades an hour at least to start functioning. As a single mother, you have no choice. You adapt so quickly that you instantly become super woman flying around the house singing away at silly o clock. Every day goes so quickly, yet you remember every second because they really do grow so quickly, you treasure every smile, giggle, grizzle,  and every other special moments. The first time they smile, really does make your heart melt. It fizzles and beats so strong as you stare into their gorgeous eyes, so proud, and so much love.

I guess what the point of this writing is to just give that bit of encouragement to those expectant mothers who are having those worries, and anxious feelings about this whole life changing event that is about to happen, because it is scary, it is very, very scary. Belive me I know. I was a workaholic before I had my little one. Constantly dolled up to the max, fake nails, tan, hair, new clothes every day, my life was a whirlwind, I lived for spontantiounty. Last minute holidays and trips, crazy nights out, I couldn’t stand one day where I didn’t do something fun. But your idea of fun just completely changes. I look back at my life a year ago, I was very much more well off, but it all seems so dull. Children give your life meaning. They give you a reason to smile as soon as you wake up. A reason to be strong and a reason to suceed. They bring you warmth and happiness and the tiniest ways. As scary as it may seem, you will never look back  and life you are about to start will become who you are, make you the person you are meant to be, and you will discover sides of you, you never thought you had. And in time, I’m sure you will be saying all the exact same things.


domestic abuse still being pushed aside?

Know anyone who has been in an abusive relationship? Probably. May be a victim yourself,  or even you were the abuser. But without a doubt,  rates of domestic abuse is rising,  and there is nobody trying to prevent this.

It has been published black and white that numbers of both men and women are coming forward to report domestic abuse. Radios and papers have stated thay not only is there ten times more coming forward but also more people are reporting the crimes repeatedly. Meaning that the victims are continuously putting themselves in the situation which leads to them becoming a victim of abuse again. J

ust by reading that does it not make you think why wo

uld anybody firstly 1 ,assumingly leaving the abuser and 2, make the effort of filing a report to then go back and

go through it again?  Answer, lack of support. Yes, the police officers will sit there, take notes,statements and

nod sympathetically, but once their work is done, who is taking care of these victims? Well, clearly not a lot of people,  or by far knowingly, the numbers of continuous domestic abuse reports would not be rising. As a mem

ber of the group ‘Survivors’, I can confidently say that Domestic Abuse is a hidden crime that people tend to toss away as ‘petty and easily fixed privately’ (quoted by daily express editors). The insensitivity this highlights insinuates that outsiders assume victims of abuse are typically recreated and the further support is unnecessary and time consuming.

Taking into no contrast that majority of abuse is all psychological, many professionals advise that such victims should turn to counselling. Counselling is typically rated f

rom £20-£80 an hour. This doesn’t seem too much if somebody is in need but majority of the abuse victims usually have fled the abusive relationship leaving themselves with not that sort of income or savings. Did anybody ever think of these boundaries for the people in genuine need for after support?  People that suffer from depression, long term injuries,  bereavement and so on, are immediately recognised and offered NHS funded counselling. But poor women and men who may have been through years of psychical, sexual, psychological abuse,  with no home, no trust,  no security,  a broken family,  no income, repressed memories,  surely the government could offer some form of counselling NHS funded if they can usher funds to provide young women with breast enlargements to enable them to become models? (Josie Cunningham 2013).

Are we that blinded by what is right in front of us?

Speaking on behalf of thousands of women who have finally taken the courage to escape long term abuse,  from mental threats,  psychical violence,  emotional brain washing words,  it is clear to say there is always going to be this evolving problem hanging above our heads until the people in charge begin to firstly tackle the Abusers punishment,  whether or not the crimes are undetectable to the eye,  and most importantly,  to provide and offer ranges of support to those who have taken the courage to openly admit an o

ngoing abuse and to come forward with such bravery. Not just to point them in the direction of half hearted “support”, but to actually take these people’s vulnerability and hand produce a network of support groups, counselling and genuine further care of their well-being,  to ensure that their lack of self confidence does not guide them into going back into the abusive relationship.

9/11 could happen any time

thomas-1-truthers13 years on from the 9/11 tragedy many people are still questioning what really happened. The tabloids display what they want us to believe . The hijacked planes attacked the World Trade Centre. That nobody or radar spotted these planes coming off route. Is it possible that o

verly strict American airport security managed to let 19 armed terrorists slip through their fingers and manage to take the lives of thousands? That three of these planes managed to destroy these powerful buildings. The w

hole mystery of this catastrophic event remains untold. Newspapers and television have forced the majority of the public to believe it was all Osama Bin Laden’s doing. That terrorists have struck again and America must fight back. America must retaliate with war. Is this really all just a ploy to invade and take on the opponents countries to satisfy their own greed and power? A synthetic terrorism against their own citizens?

Many conspiracy theorists have investigated their e

uations to what happened. It then came to l

ight that perhaps the “facts” we have been shown and told and led to believe,  are just another part of the whole set up. The first fact that appears false, being

 that Bin Laden himself denied having any part of the attack. Now I know you would think a terrorism leader would not admit and own up to an attack as big as this, but Muslim extremism values pride in their actions. They see their plans as achievements when succeeding. Therefore, Bin Laden would not go against his righteous beliefs in denying it so. Just not long after he had denied attacks, it appeared that “footage” showed him openly revealing his part in the destroyment of the World Trade Centre.

Another mystery to the whole thing was the question, how was a phone call made from such high altitude? George Bush claimed they received phone calls from inside the plane, but no mobile phone signal can be detected when passed a certain height in the sky. Another ploy to distract us from realising what the reality is?

Evidence suggests that bombs and explosives were primarily used to take down the buildings. Researchers tested debris and found nano thermite traces, suggesting that insiders had planted this in the buildings beforehand.   Eye witnesses even claim they saw explosions take place in bottom floors two buildings before the plane had even struck.  However,  US government simply deny this,  adding that key eye witnesses must of been proportionally deluded during the attack. The lack of evidence to disprove these allegations is minor. So few people began to question the “terrorism” attack and ask the real question, was this another government set up? Another false terrorism attack to point the direction of war against terror, getting full public support, but really the case against Iraq proves the target countries  was just an unwritten excuse as Iraq played no part in the 9/11.

As a result of the attack,  money was shifted into guns, tanks,  and more equipment to build and grow the strength of the forces,  creating bigger opportunities for the country to seize their desires.

More and more “facts” they have fed us does not add up. The simple figure that on this particular day,  so it happens 4, 000 Jewish people were not at work. Is this a coincidence? Were these employees tipped off? The benefit of the doubt is given. But just so happens reports of seeing ‘unusual and suspicious workmen’ were seeing around the building just days before the attack. Were these planting hidden explosives around the centre?

Opinions can only be made,  but too many coincidental things took place all in the build up to 11th September. Not to mention on this particular day,  the planes were loaded with put. Now this is not a common everyday proportion. Again,  these may be all just a coincidence, but it still forms the conspiracy of a government deploy to trick the nation.

Personal opinions arose, people began talking and comparing answers. To whom the science side of this event became a massive factor is detecting the truth. Science shows that just by these three planes alone,  at the speed and angle they came in at, the buildings would just not explode the way they did. Claims say that because of the high impact it caused the buildings to explode. Now small experiments have been tested,  and it raises eyebrows when nobody can put together how these planes caused such a massive destruction. It has been documented that each building fell within 20 seconds. Many 9/11 doubters drop the “nearly” and say simply that the collapses were at free fall and then insist that free fall acceleration indicates a complete lack of resistance, proving that the structures were demolished with explosives. We are also told that the sheer mass of the towers, “80,000 tons of structural steel,” would simply resist collapse. Along with this, alleged hijackers passports were found after the attack,

meaning these minute bits of documents survived

 a major plane crash and explosions,  but two strong, inferior buildings cannot? Personally,  a mockery of intelligence begun once these “facts” were released.

There are a number of different theories, and people are always going to question what happened on this tragic day. Maybe in another decade new foundings maybe revealed but until then we must respect the ones who lost their lives on the day of 9/11.

Internet bullying; never ending?

For years it has been brought to light that Internet bullying affects a majority of young teenagers. Recent figures show that at least 45% of teens experience Internet bullying at some point. There has been number of public stories appearing where a young teen has ended their life because of this. So why is there no actions being taken?  Why is the number of suicide attempts rising because of this matter?  Is the social network and media that much of a money market that the government choose to put aside the facts and figures of its negative impact on young children?

The most recent public story intells that cyber bullying is becoming more and more common and why?  Because the consequences of harassing and abusing one another through a mobile phone or computer,  is not publicly displayed. Oh yes, we are hearing of “actions being taken”.

Meaning,  the site ( that concluded Hannah Smith (14) to end her life because of abusive users,  will now have a “report” button. Is this really how you show other children who may already be or thinking to bully somebody else online,  the consequences? Why are we not trying to demonstrate proper precautions to enhance these children to think otherwise when they think their bullying online is harmless. To show them they will face serious punishments 

if they are found guilty of inflicting somebodies self harm. Because no matter the age of a person,  everyone has choices in what they are doing. With the number of attempted suicides rising vigorously, something must be done to control this problem! The people Iinvolved in victim Hannah’s Smith’s suicide are left to remain anonymous as the social network site has made no effort to investigate who these users were who encouraged Hannah into taking her own life. The website owners when questioned,  simply responded that they will act quicker against reports and remove any signs of cyber bullying,  they also accused Hannah of sending the messages to herself. This is a complete mockery of what is really happening due to these dangerous anonymous sites. In Australia, the punishment for anyone

found guilty of cyber bullying, could face up to 3 years in prison. And in Texas, the punishment could mean 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10, 000.

More than 4,000 teenagers take their own lives each year.  Making it the third leading cause of teenage death. Last year,  31, 599 people called child line because of Internet bullying. When will this problem end so that people can stop this fear of being bullied? 2014-04-25-05-31-14-2116408483